NexTgen Inside®


Sinaptec in brief:

Having its origin in a reasearch lab, SinapTec has evolved into an independant SME with more than 35 years of experience in the development and implementation of ultrasound technology.

35 years of innovations turned into new applications of ultrasound across-the-board in numerous fields of manufacturing, in healthcare and environmentally sensitive areas … (temperature, pressure, environment explosive or radiating environments…),

A core competence based on design, research & development, implementation and the manufacture of ultrasonic transducers and electronic generators intended for a multiplicity of uses that are adaptable to each customer’s uniqueness,

A production capacity of several thousand ultrasonic units,

An international expansion in close collaboration with a network of partners and distributors.

Our Values:

The growth of our activities depends on our customers’ success. Where the ultrasound technology constitutes a key factor of their success, we are committed to the forging of long-term partnerships necessary to reinforce synergies.

We are committed to :

  • A quality product and service,
  • Listening to our customers to meet their needs,
  • Being at our customers’ service,
  • Innovating and developing tomorrow’s solutions.

A Team of Experts in the Service of your Applications:

Our technology, protected by more than 30 patents, aims to be at the same time versatile, as it adapts easily to customers’ requirements and to be accomplished, as it is steeped in the cumulated know-how of 35 years of experience.



The world’s finest choice in ultrasonic technology

  • Générateurs ultrasons | SinapTec
  • simulation démoussage ultrasons - SinapTec
Recrutement Sinaptec ultrasons

Tomorrow starts today, with you and SinapTec®

Discover our culture, our values, our competences and our ceaselessly innovating company, in the forefront of ultrasonics


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