The Sonicator LAB1500 represents a technological breakthrough in the field of ultrasonic homogenization. Designed to meet the needs of modern laboratories and industries, this sonicator uses acoustic cavitation to ensure effective and homogeneous treatment of liquid samples.

sonicator: ultrasonic homogenizer

How the Sonicator works

The LAB1500 generates ultrasonic waves that create acoustic cavitation. These microscopic bubbles formed in the liquid implode and release intense shear forces, facilitating applications such as dissolution, emulsification, and extraction.

Components of a Sonicator

  • The Ultrasonic Generator is the main component of a sonicator. It controls a transducer that converts electrical signals into physical vibrations via a piezoelectric crystal. These vibrations are amplified and transmitted to an ultrasonic probe, which then transmits them to the solution to be treated.
  • SinapTec understands that each application may be different from field to field, and offers standard ultrasonic probes or custom ones to optimize the efficiency of ultrasonic operation for your specific field.

Features of the Sonicator Lab1500

  • High-Power Generator and Transducer: Designed for maximum ultrasonic energy transfer, these components are derived from our industrial technologies, ensuring durability and adaptability to the most demanding applications.
  • High-Quality Ultrasonic Probes: Made from durable materials, the sonotrode is optimized to maximize treatment efficiency and withstand intense conditions.
  • NexTgen Interface: Developed by SinapTec, the patented NexTgen technology, available on a PC or Webserver, allows precise control of ultrasonic procedures and detailed analysis of results. It also enables real-time parameter adjustments to optimize experimental results.

Sonicator Applications

The LAB1500 is versatile and can be adapted to a wide range of industrial and research applications. These include but are not limited to:


  • The production of pharmaceutical specialties requires controlled and consistent homogeneity of active ingredients within a batch, as well as strict repeatability from one batch to another. This ensures the efficacy and safety of medications. The controlled acoustic cavitation produced by the LAB1500 can ensure complete dissolution of liquid active ingredients within a production batch.



  • Mastering the dispersion of liquid phases into fine droplets is a key step in formulating an emulsion. The precise control of mechanical vibrations generated by the LAB1500 ensures reproducible reduction in droplet size, thereby improving the stability of emulsions.



  • Plant material contains molecules of interest with applications in various industries. These molecules can be difficult to access and often require energy-intensive processes and/or the use of chemicals. Ultrasounds can increase extraction yields and/or kinetics through acoustic cavitation.



  • The biological safety of products is essential in several industries to ensure human safety. This is particularly true in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries where physical, thermal, and/or chemical methods can be used to inactivate or destroy microbes, viruses, or bacteria. Due to its simultaneous thermal and mechanical action, the LAB1500 can be an effective tool for biological inactivation.

Discover the Sonicator LAB 1500 Today!

Want to know more about the Sonicator LAB1500? Contact us now. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your processes with the technology of SinapTec.

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